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Elijah Neilson

Assistant Professor of Economics

Department of Economics, Marketing, and Analytics

Leavitt School of Business

Southern Utah University

Contact Information

BUS 227

(435) 865-7969


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Works in Progress

Transitory Shocks to Local Labor Market Opportunities and College Attainment (On-line Appendix) Link to Paper


Geographic Dispersion of Economic Shocks and Educational Attainment. Link to Paper


The Effect of Unilateral Divorce Laws on College Educational Attainment (Joint with Peter Blair) Link to Paper

Why Are Nursing Homes so Heavily Regulated? The Effects and Political Economy of Certificate-of-Need Laws. (Joint with Vitor Melo)

Improvements in the Measurement of Rent Seeking: A Synthetic Matching Approach. (Joint with Vitor Melo)

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