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Joshua A. Price

Associate Professor of Economics

Department of Economics, Marketing, and Analytics

Leavitt School of Business

Southern Utah University

Contact Information

BUS 206

(435) 865-8286


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ECON 1740 - US Economic History

This course starts with a foundation of Economic History covering key historic political economists and their contributions. Upon this foundation we cover US economic history from the colonization of the Americas to more recent events like the Great Recession and COVID pandemic. Viewing history through the lens of economics provides a perspective that many students have not experienced. 

This course satisfies the University's American Institutions GE requirement


Textbook: US Economic History by Joshua A. Price, 2nd Edition

ECON 2010 - Principles of Microeconomics

This course is an introduction to economics, a social science that studies how people make choices under conditions of scarcity. Microeconomics focuses on the decisions of individual consumers and firms. This course will teach you fundamental concepts and methods in microeconomics, enabling you to perform simple yet insightful analysis of economic behavior.

This course satisfies the University's Social Science GE requirement


Textbook: Principles of Microeconomics by Gregory Mankiw, 9th Edition

ECON 2500 - Quantitative Methods


An introduction to applied quantitative methods for business and economics. Spreadsheets are used extensively as a modeling tool. Main topics include introductions to algebra, differential calculus, mathematical programming and data and regression analysis.
This course is required for Business Students


Textbook: Quantitative Methods by Joshua A. Price 


Datasets: acs_2021.xlsx





ECON 4260 - Econometrics

This course provides an introduction to applied econometrics. The focus is on single-equation, linear regression analysis, the most widely used method in the field of econometrics. The main topics of the course include (1) the basics of the ordinary least squares technique, including the classical assumptions, statistical properties, and hypothesis testing; (2) consequences and remedies for violations of the classical assumptions; (3) research design and model specification issues; (4) causality. While the course includes the statistical theory necessary for a sound understanding of the techniques involved, a strong emphasis is placed on how to apply regression analysis in practice.


Textbook: Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach by Jeffrey Wooldridge, 6th Edition


Students are required to write an empirical paper for the class. Those students that continue to work on their paper outside of class and present it at an academic conference, are eligible to have their paper published in the SUU Working Paper Series

ECON 4900 - SUU Economic History

This course is offered as part of the 125th Anniversary celebration of SUU. In this course we will conduct research on those individuals who enrolled at SUU in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Course objectives include reviewing literature, collecting data from the SUU Registrar and linking it with Family Search Data, and writing an empirical paper on the impact that education has on life expectancy in the early 1900's.

ECON 4900 - Behavioral Economics

Behavioral economics draws on psychology and economics to explore why people sometimes make irrational decisions. It provides a set of tools that can be used to overcome cognitive obstacles and help individuals in their decision making.

This course is open for all majors. 


Principles of Economics 
Principles of Macroeconomics 
Public Policy
Sports Economics
Data Analysis Using STATA
Statistics for Economists


Health Education Action Lab at SUU

351 W University Blvd

Cedar City, UT 84720





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